Event Management Support


We have all the experience and expertise you need to deliver your event


Your event is in safe hands

We are leading suppliers of Event Management in Warwickshire and around the UK.  Whether you need road closures, car parking stewards or show and event security, we have a team of professionals on hand to make sure your event runs smoothly.

There’s no need to hire full time staff, SALTEM will provide all the organisation, staff and procedures required.

We have over 30 years experience, being at the heart of delivering events.  We have managed exhibitions, concerts, festivals and conferences as well as sporting events, carnivals and parades – and not forgetting the Domino Push.

Call us now or drop us an email to discuss your needs and begin to put a plan into action.



Years of Experience With 3 decades of experience at a wide range of events.


Members Of Staff We have a vast array of dedicated and skilled staff to draw upon for every event.


Amazing Events Every year we support over 100 events, ranging from road races to exhibition logistics.

A selection of our services