COVID Secure Marshals

Hire COVID Marshals for Safe Public Spaces & Streets

As leading suppliers in event management, we have over 30 years of experience in delivering safe and secure event management services for a variety of industries and organisations.

Following a recent update announced by the UK government, a Covid-19 Secure Marshal scheme has been set up to help support the high streets and public spaces, so that people are able to feel safe around others whilst continuing to enjoy their shopping experience.

During these challenging times, our team has excelled in staying up to date with the latest government guidelines to ensure our event marshal team is fully compliant with the new rules and are able to support the public where necessary.

What to expect from a Saltem COVID Marshal

Our team of covid-19 secure marshals will be wearing high visibility clothing to ensure they are visible at all times and are always on hand to remind the public of the guidelines.

Here’s how our Covid-19 secure marshals can help:

  • Enforce social distancing to members of the public
  • Support members of the public in one way systems
  • Can conduct daily temperature checks
  • Monitor numbers in public eating and smoking areas to ensure social distancing
  • Ensure signage is visible and correctly positioned
  • Hand out masks and hand sanitisers in public places
  • Clear sites where necessary
  • Manage queues efficiently
  • Explain coronavirus restrictions to people
  • Answer questions regarding the restrictions to people who are unsure
  • Request police support in situations where severe enforcement methods are needed

Each Covid-Secure marshal team will be briefed and trained based on the environment they will be providing their support in. This is to ensure they have all the correct and up to date knowledge they need to advise and help the public.

If you are looking for a friendly and fully-trained covid-19 secure marshal team for your town/city or organisation, then we can help. Call us on 02476 796455 for more information.

Speak to our team today for more information